Past Events

Target Group: Young researchers, students and industry
professionals interested in corrosion and material degradation in
aqueous systems, including MIC. Individuals with responsibility
for developing, implementing and executing corrosion
management activities, including corrosion and materials
engineers, microbiologists, production chemists, process
engineers, integrity managers, laboratory technicians and field
staff. Both asset operators, manufacturers, consultants,
academics and students will benefit from the latest updates in
this course. Field visits, tours and social activities are included.
32 seats first come first served.
More information available soon!

Preliminary Program Topics
- Early detection of MIC for effective control: new advances in Diagnosis and Monitoring
- MIC mitigation strategies towards eco-friendly and sustainable systems
- Standardization: the lab-to-field transition
- Industry insights: Technology and regulatory challenges
MIC-STAND hybrid meeting 2024, is hosted by the Faculdade de Ciências at the University of Lisboa in Portugal.
Set against the picturesque backdrop of Lisboa, this hybrid meeting is prepared to be an encouraging exploration of challenges and breakthroughs in Microbially Influenced Corrosion (MIC) Mitigation. Our core mission is to foster dynamic discussions within the expansive MIC community, bringing together young researchers, high-level scientists, industry stakeholders, policymakers, and regulators.
Our inclusive approach emphasizes cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering an environment where the exchange of knowledge flourishes. The focal point of our discussions will span the entire spectrum of MIC Mitigation, covering Diagnosis, Monitoring, and Mitigation.
Beyond the exchange of ideas, this meeting aspires to be a catalyst for innovative, sustainable, and environmentally friendly strategies in the battle against MIC. Our goal is to translate these strategies into practical, real-world applications that make a tangible impact.

Corrosion management for the sustainability of assets in aqueous environments – with special focus on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC)
Prague, Czech Republic
This training course is an excellent opportunity for graduate students and post-docs to further specialized training and network with other colleagues. It directly precedes the EUROCORR 2023 in Brussels, which gives an excellent possibility to attend both events!
- Date: 22/8/2023 - 25/8/2023
- Venue: University of Chemistry and Technology, building A
- Address: Technická 5, Prague, Czech Republic
- Price: Student or academic staff (250 EUR) Industrial professional (350 EUR)

(In Danish)
Kurset fokuserer på den nyeste viden inden for området og belyser de vigtigste risikofaktorer forbundet hermed. Derudover gennemgås de vigtigste forhold, man bør være opmærksom på for at reducere risikoen for korrosionsskader/materialenedbrydning og problemer med sygdomsfremkaldende bakterier. Der tages højde for nyeste lovgivning og forventninger til kommende lovændringer inden for området.
- Date: 2/11/2023 - 3/11/2023
- Venue: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
- Address: Anker Engelundsvej 1, Lyngby 2800, Bygning 101, møde centeret, lokale S08
- Price: 9000 DKK for medlemmer af ATV-SEMAPP samt partnere listet i tilmeldingsformularen, 9500 DKK for ikke medlemmer

The course will cover basic corrosion management principles, basic MIC mechanisms, use of molecular microbiological methods (MMM) in diagnosing and managing MIC, selection of MIC mitigation methods, selection and interpretation of MIC monitoring methods, case studies demonstrating MIC diagnostic tools, failure analysis principles, MIC modelling and demonstrate applicable sampling techniques and equipment.
- Date: 24/10/2023 – 25/10/2023
- Venue: Clarion Hotel Stavanger
- Price: From NOK 7600
ISMOS is the largest event discussing microbiology and molecular biology in the oil and gas industry. This conference explores the application of emerging microbial and molecular tools to help resolve challenges faced by the industry.
- Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) in the Energy Sector
- Hydrocarbon Biodegradation
- The oil and gas microbiome, Problems and Solutions
- Energy Storage and transitioning
- Monitoring, Control, Diagnostics and New Methods for the Energy Sector
- Date: 27/6/2023 - 30/6/2023
- Venue: 27/6: James Watt centre, Heriot-Watt University, 28-30/6: Hilton Edinburgh Carlton
- Price: Between 960£ and 1440£
The 3rd WG meeting in Plovdiv, Bulgaria will bring together Euro-MIC participants and sympathizers to exchange experience, ideas and update information on the development of the COST project.
- Date: 27/04/2023 - 28/04/2023
- Venue: Plovdiv University, “Paisii Hilendarski”, Tsar Asen str. 24 4000, Plovdiv