MIC E-learning Courses

Free Sample Lesson on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) Investigation
Try this free sample lesson that introduces the subject of microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) investigation.
This free sample Lesson gives students an introduction to the learning interface and content of a typical Lesson.

Course 102
MIC and Corrosion Management
Corrosion Management

Course 103
Fundamentals of MIC Threat Assessment
MIC Threat Assessment

Course 104
Fundamentals of MIC Mitigation
What is MIC Mitigation?

Course 105
Fundamentals of MIC Monitoring
MIC Monitoring

Course 106 (Coming soon!)
Fundamentals of MIC and Abiotic Corrosion Failure Analysis
How do I know if it is MIC?
Diagnosing corrosion leaks and failures
Reliable diagnosis of MIC in operating assets using failure analysis of corroded components requires collection of multiple lines of evidence and a careful integration of information about microbiological conditions, the chemical environment, design and operating conditions, and materials and corrosion products. This course presents the best practices related to MIC and abiotic corrosion failure analysis, emphasizing the best practices related to sample collection and preservation, collecting multiple lines of evidence, and integration of evidence to determine the role of MIC.

3 Course Bundle - Managing MIC through Threat Assessment, Mitigation and Monitoring
Save 32% by signing up for this 3 course MIC Management Bundle!
Diagnosing corrosion leaks and failures
Take advantage of this offer to get 3 professional MIC E-Learning courses for the price of 2. This course bundle provides a comprehensive look into the complete process of MIC and abiotic corrosion threat assessment, mitigation and monitoring. Courses include many different types of e-learning activities that students can take at their own pace. Course materials are available for a full year after registration. Over 22 hours of e-learning content. Includes:
– Fundamentals of MIC Threat Assessment
– Fundamentals of MIC Mitigation
– Fundamentals of MIC Monitoring